Hello dear! Welcome to today's exciting topic, This is one of the most important post I will ever make, I encourage you to please read through and my prayers for you is that the fears and struggles you currently have concerning the RAPTURE and END OF THIS WORLD will be dispelled in the name Jesus(amen). Nonetheless if you have no fear for the rapture but you desire to understand the millennial reign with Christ, then I pray this post helps you too.

With the current happenings around the world, am sure it is no news to us that the rapture of the church is closer than it has even been and just in case you strongly doubt this (because you've been hearing about it since you were young) then I would recommend the book of Daniel chapter nine, Second thessalonians chapter two and of course the book of revelation. As you read these scriptures, I pray your eyes become flooded with light and spiritual understanding to know the times and season we are in now and begin to live fully for Jesus (if you aren't).

The Millennial Reign is the one thousand year reign of Christ on this earth which begins at the end of the tribulation period (Revelation 19:11-21). In literal terms, we can also say it is the reign of JESUS as president of the whole world. Plus we (saints of God) will also have our responsibilities then which is to rule and reign with Christ (Revelation 20:4-6). Imagine for one second, what it will be like having Jesus as president, the world will know REAL PEACE, LOVE AND JOY. 
P.S: CHRIST currently has all authority over the world however during the millennial reign, we will get to see Him rule visibly with His headquarters in Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:1-17)

Before that reign occurs, the rapture of the church will take place first. I remember when I was a child, I didn't know much about God. Although I was always eager to know about Him but I struggled to understand until I eventually got born again and received the HolySpirit. I particularly remember different groups of evangelist from different churches coming to teach us (they would gather as much children as they can in the street I used to reside back in lagos) about the rapture and the new heaven and earth, and even though I loved hearing about God (and still do) I was so scared about the rapture, I didn't know if I was qualified for it and It was also difficult picturing what life would be like after the rapture since I was only used to the ways of the world.

    However as I grew in Christ, the HolySpirit gave me clarity about the rapture plus the new age to come through His word and teachings of my pastor. Now I can boldly say all fear, struggle and uncertainty about the rapture and beyond has disappeared (Glorrryyy!!!). I am more than excited and eager to meet my King, to have an uninterrupted fellowship with Him (remember that one moment when you were in a church service or maybe during your private time with God and you felt God's overwhelming love and glory like you had never felt before and you just didn't want it to end but most times we get distracted with issues of life, well we will have that forever and ever uninterrupted, Hallelujah!!), plus I look forward to giving Him a very long hug when I see Him🤗 and to hear Him say well done, what a privilege that would be 😭. 

Below are key points to help you get PREPARED for the coming of the Lord::

》》 Talk to the HolySpirit: No one can get you prepared for His coming except Himself, so talk to God in prayers if you still have fears about the rapture.

》》 Study His word: God's word is life and spirit and as you study plus listen to messages, your heart will get a better understanding of the times and season we are in and you'll become fully preppared for His coming.

》》 Leave this world behind you: It is sad to hear Christians say that the rapture shouldn't take place yet because they haven't gotten married, built houses or driven cars, they fail to realise that the minute they got born again, their citizenship changed "they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world" John17:16. 
    When you think this way as a believer, it puts your love for God to question (1 John 2:15-17). One thing we must realise is that houses,cars,wealth and marriage was created by our creator for us to enjoy and we will enjoy them (if you haven't begun to) but they shouldn't be our focus. Sometimes I also hear Christians say life after rapture will be boring because they imagine all we will be doing all day long is to worship God and nothing more, well God created all the good things of life that we enjoy now, what makes you think He doesn't have something more glorious in store for us to enjoy and remember we will be in a new suit then (1Corinthians 15:54) so the fleshy things of this earth will no longer satisfy us. So begin now to set your affections on things above for the time is truly short.

》》 Tell it to everyone: Much like when you're expecting a special visitor who you haven't seen in a while, you prepare your house for that person by cooking and cleaning then you are so excited about the visit that you can't stop thinking and talking about it, same way and even much more should we be about the coming of our Lord. Our families, friends and even strangers need to know that there is an extremely vital meeting/party that is about to take place that they cannot afford to miss because you will still know and be with your loved ones then and you don't want any left behind"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready" Revelation 19:7

》》 Finally, Begin now to prepare for your "political" position during the millennial age: I used the word "political" so we can better understand and yes just like the political positions held by different people on earth today, we will have a system like that durimg the millennial reign of Christ but of course much more glorious than that of this world today. You may ask then "what will my position be then?" and "can I know that Now"?. Luke 19:11-26 shows us a parable told by Jesus about a nobleman who entrusted money to his ten servants, this parable is also similar to that of the talents (Matthew 25:14-29), the common denominator of this parable is that when you are faithful in the few things given to you, you will be in charge of many things. So you can already guess what your position will be if God finds you faithful in the role you have now and how well you are utilizing those gifts for His kingdom.

Thank you so much; Remember to leave a comment and also share this post🤗 


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